Miracles Still Abound Dec. 2007
Just yesterday as I headed off to work in the white winterwonderland,

I was thinking about how special this time of year is. I drove my little car down the drive through the drifts of snow and oops
I was thinking about how special this time of year is. I drove my little car down the drive through the drifts of snow and oops
got stuck.

I hopped out and shoveled the end of the drive where there was a little drift. Walla I got out onto the country road. As I was smiling and proud of myself I noticed the Big drift I had so smoothly cruised through the night before. Even knowing it was a bit bigger today I proceeded to pick up speed. Vrooom!!! Hands on wheel, determined face I was going to MAKE IT!! Plop....Not quite! Argg, I high centered and was totally immobile at this point.
I hopped out and shoveled the end of the drive where there was a little drift. Walla I got out onto the country road. As I was smiling and proud of myself I noticed the Big drift I had so smoothly cruised through the night before. Even knowing it was a bit bigger today I proceeded to pick up speed. Vrooom!!! Hands on wheel, determined face I was going to MAKE IT!! Plop....Not quite! Argg, I high centered and was totally immobile at this point.
One thing I always do in the winter is have a shovel and a broom in my car. Yes a broom! lol Anyway I got out and dug a bit, got back in the car, Nothing! I called work a couple times told them I'd be there as soon as I got off this snowdrift. Back to shoveling and shoveling and using the broom handle to try and break up the snow that was packed underneath the car. 15 minutes go by, nothing, 30 minutes same thing still stuck!, 45 minutes and I call work again saying I still trying. I live on a road less traveled and no one even turned to go down my road. Fit to be tied and near crying now I dug and dug again. I left the shovel in the snow bank and tried one more time. Aww movement! So I started the Drive~ Reverse~Drive~Reverse~DRIVE~REVERSE .........Almost, its mobile!!! YES off the drift. I sat there a minute and said a word of thanks, got out my camera and took a picture of my hard work of just over an hour, got my shovel and proceed to work.
Upon arriving to the Highway, I promply turned right and headed out on the ice rink. Yikes was it really this bad last night? I was rather glad I couldnt see all this ice last night. The snow was blowing so bad that I couldnt tell if it was slick or if it was just windy. Anyway I drove on to work and made it.
When I got there one of my co-workers was loading her car and getting the stuff she needed for her daughters wedding. I noticed she looked real tired. I asked her if she was ok and she said they had lost her mother in law during the night. She had a DNR so they removed the tubes and she came back! Talk about a Christmas Miracle :) We hugged and I went about my work day. I made it a short day as Jon had an eye doctor appointment. After that we did a bit of shopping and went to check the mail. There was a card from an old high school friend and it was so awesome to hear from her. Then we headed on home. I was hoping that the drift had been scooped out by the snow plow and yes indeed it was. To my surprise as I neared my long lane someone had come by and completly scooped out the whole thing!!! So for sure this may seem like a small thing, but indeed its just a sign that miracles do exist. Some are small, some are big and with this I wish you all your own miracles! May the spirit of Christmas enlighten your lives and always remember that miracles do exist!
I'd love to hear what kind of miracles you've seen this year or anytime. Lets spread the word. The spirit of Christmas and Christs birth still bring about miracles! Cherish the small things, and wonder at the big ones. May your Christmas and your life be blessed.
Love and Hugs
P.S. Santa Please bring me a 4 wheel drive Pick UP :) hehe
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